市场占有率: 比特币 57.88% 以太坊 9.89%
Gas:22.590854327 GWEI
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  3. Bitbegin
2025-02-22 20:00:35
成立时间: 2018
注册地区: Georgia
应用下载: APP下载链接
官网地址: Bitbegin官网
备用地址: 备用地址
资产实力: $--
币种数量: 0 (0个交易对)
KYC认证: 未知
支持中文: 未知
风险准备金: 未知
量化接口: 未知
信用评分: 3/10
交易支持: 现货 / 期货 / 法币 / 杠杆 / 理财
社交账号: facebook twitter biyong
BitBegin Exchange is a centralized exchange established in March 2018 that is a Brand of British Capital LLC, established in 2007 with the National Bank of Georgia license as a Financial company. The platform o... 更多
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BitBegin Exchange is a centralized exchange established in March 2018 that is a Brand of British Capital LLC, established in 2007 with the National Bank of Georgia license as a Financial company. The platform offers the following products: Spot, Derivatives (USDT perpetual, USDC perps, inverse perps, futures, USDC options, leveraged tokens), NFT marketplace, BitBegin Earn, Buy Crypto, and Options. Who Are the BitBegin Founders? It was established by founder and CEO Serkan Kaplan. After graduating from The University returned to work and found the British capital company in 2007, after 11 years In 2018, he co-founded the BitBegin brand as a crypto exchange. When Did Bitbegin Launch? BitBegin was launched in March 2018. Where Is BitBegin Located? The company is registered in Georgia as a British Capital LLC established in 2007 with the National Bank of Georgia license as a Financial company Register Number:200232907 and is headquartered in Georgia with offices in London and Istanbul. BitBegin Restricted Countries The global platform is available to customers worldwide, except for countries with service restrictions such as Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, Eritrea, Congo-Kinshasa, Guinea-Bissau, Cuba, Lebanon, Iran, Mali, Iraq, Namibia, Libya, Somalia, North Korea, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen. What Coins Are Supported on BitBegin? BitBegin has over 32 crypto tokens and Coin listed and over 38 spot trading pairs, including major coins like BTC, ETH, TRX, SOL, BAT, SOL, LTC, ADON, NEVA, DOGE, AVAX, MATIC, DOT, and more.