Gas:22.590854327 GWEI
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  3. Kaidex
2025-01-30 02:00:10
成立时间: 2021
注册地区: Vietnam
应用下载: APP下载链接
官网地址: Kaidex官网
备用地址: 备用地址
资产实力: $--
币种数量: 0 (0个交易对)
KYC认证: 未知
支持中文: 未知
风险准备金: 未知
量化接口: 未知
信用评分: 4/10
交易支持: 现货 / 期货 / 法币 / 杠杆 / 理财
社交账号: facebook twitter biyong
"KAIDEX is the first-of-its-kind crypto exchange platform that combines the ease of use of centralized exchanges with the transparency and security of decentralized exchanges. It makes use of the novel Dual Nod... 更多
# 币种 交易对 价格 价差百分比 +2%深度 -2%深度 24H成交量 最后更新 信用评分


"KAIDEX is the first-of-its-kind crypto exchange platform that combines the ease of use of centralized exchanges with the transparency and security of decentralized exchanges. It makes use of the novel Dual Node technology developed by KardiaChain itself. This technology allows simultaneous access to the ledgers of KardiaChain and other blockchain networks. It lets traders retain full control of their assets while being able to transact with fiat currencies and switch between blockchain networks. The main objective of KAIDEX is to facilitate high-speed transactions, high liquidity, and a simple user experience for traders across the globe. In other words, it aims to provide a centralized user experience on a decentralized platform.  KAIDEX is also working towards facilitating low transaction fees, faster transactions, low slippage, and limit stop loss, and market orders. New technology like this could finally solve the dilemma traders faced for years and increase the mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies. "